We all start with Zero Twitter followers.
I've been on Twitter almost from the beginning, and have been helping others professionally for several years now.
My personal Twitter following is just over 250,000. Follow me at @TomHall. I follow everyone back.
I started growing my account to impress potential clients.
Just like you, I started with Zero.
a rule we start our Twitter experience by following important
influencers in our lives, be it the President, @LadyGaGa or @CNN.
None of them will ever follow you back. Ever.
Then you follow the real people in your life.
Hopefully, they will follow you back. Hopefully.
Okay, now what?
It depends on your goals.
Are you here to "check out Twitter," for work, or to have some fun and/or create a virtual social life?
it's just to check it out, you can follow up to 2,000 people (that's
the maximum Twitter allows for new accounts. More on this in future Blogs), and then sit back and let the world,
news, and #Hashtags flow by.
But if you are here for a social experience or work, you need to get people to notice you and follow your Twitter feed.
So how the heck do you do that?
Job One: Add a photo to your account & write a short Bio.
one follows or takes seriously the "Twitter Egg" photo you get when you sign up. Honestly, if you
can't commit to a photo, any photo, how can you expect others to commit
to following you?
Done. Now what?
It's just like elementary school. Find people doing what you like to do, introduce yourself, and then join in.
One: Follow people following important people and causes you find
interesting. Check their Twitter Bio's. What a person says about
themselves says volumes about their Twitter personality. So does the
photo they pick.
Step Two: Follow people who comment on interesting Tweets.
Step Three: Comment on their comments. It can be as simple as saying you agree, or you can go into detail why.
Step Four: "ReTweet" Tweets of people who interest you. Nothing gets the attention of a person on Twitter faster then ReTweeting them. (Note: this does not apply to Famous people or anyone who is "Verified")
Step Five: Start a dialogue with them. Important reminder: everyone can see your Tweets. Even if they are not following you.
Step Six: Post interesting Tweets.
I agree. That's easier said then done.
Here are some basic rules for Tweeting:
1. Keep it simple
2. Keep it short
You only have 140 characters - 120 if you include a photo.
Include a photo
Studies show (yes there are studies) that a Tweet is
80% more interesting with a photo. Why? Because they catch the casual
viewers eye. Simple as that. That photo also helps you get your message
Never Ever Ever Ever be Sarcastic
When you are looking a person in the
eye, in your home, sarcastic remarks can go horribly wrong. Times that
by a factor of 10 on Twitter. Nearly every Celebrity that has lost a
Million Dollar Contract or Job, because of a Tweet, has done so due to a
casual sarcastic remark. Don't expect your audience to understand what
you meant. Because they won't. Guaranteed.
you follow these simple rules, you will quickly gain dozens and dozens of followers, new
friends, and/or potential clients. I did it. So can you!
Check back here for info on next steps.
Feel free to drop me a note on Twitter at @TomHall.
Happy Tweeting!
Tom Hall is the CEO of The Maverick Group, a Santa Monica based New Media Consulting firm.
Tom's clients include Entertainers, CEO's, and Thought Leaders.
These are very helpful tips. They are teaching me how to use Twitter more effectively. Thanks so much for the post.